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Luke Liang


Dr. Liang is the chief of Reader Service Department of Ming Chuan University Library, also an assistant professor in the Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University. He obtained a PhD in Library and Information Science from National Taiwan Normal University (ranked 20 internationally in the field of education, QS?? 2018??). He used to be the chairman of the Membership Development Committee of the Library Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan), in charge of librarian’s professional development and lead team members to offer the latest information to all librarians in Taiwan. Dr. Liang has served as the associate editor of Journal of Library and Information Science Research (2017-2019), one of the first class academic journals in Taiwan (Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, TSSCI) and has extensive journal editing experience. His research expertise lies in reading comprehension and critical thinking, especially in the application of group discussions. He has been invited to be a lecturer in many workshops in Taiwan's primary and high schools to lead teachers and students to improve reading comprehension.


Luke Liang: Our Authors
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